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2014-09-14 07.31.25 1.jpg

house blog

projects around the house


Filtering by Tag: paint

bedroom blues : our first painted wall.

jenn pan

what?! another update already!

i know! it's pretty crazy of us..

we've been wanting to paint a blue accent wall in our bedroom for months now, especially since every single wall in the house (and just about every single surface) was painted white by the investors from whom we bought the house. above are the three swatches we tested out. we went with blue because of the curtains already in the room:

so we actually decided on that middle blue (liquid blue by behr) MONTHS and months ago. and this is what that end of the room has looked like since then. we told ourselves it was to be sure we like the color, but really, we just got lazy.

anyway, one weekend a month ago we finally decided to bite the bullet and bought a can of paint, frog tape, some foam brushes and a roller and went for it:

we bought a paint and primer in one, so no priming necessary, especially on the already white wall. we did do some sanding of rough spots (the aforementioned investors paid for a quick and dirty paint job, which left our walls almost textures, but textured in paint roller swathes...). we did the first coat one night, and another coat the next.

i'm so happy we did this. i think it would be way too much on all four walls, but on the one wall that is a backdrop for art and knick-knacks in the room, it's quite lovely and really makes things pop.

a painted attic entry.

jenn pan

so when we had central heat and air put in last summer, they had to make a new attic entry for us (the original one was barely small enough for me to squeeze through, and definitely not up to code). it's big and convenient and it's been great to have. however, it wasn't painted as you can see above, and just a lovely natural shade of brown.

we bought a small can of white primer almost immediately to paint it, but like many other things, it sort of just sat there, sad and forgotten. but i had a free afternoon and decided to just DO IT. so i did! the frame itself i had to paint standing on the ladder, looking up. my neck hurts today. and a sponge brush may have detached and hit several parts of me on its way down.. so i may or may not have paint splotches on my legs and some of my clothes... but it's done! it's not quite the same white as everything around it, but you wouldn't notice unless you look really closely and are OCD like me. and you definitely won't be able to tell in a cruddy phone picture. doesn't it look so much better?

next up - decided on a paint color to finally paint the hallway walls.. there are so many test swatches on the wall right now...