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2014-09-14 07.31.25 1.jpg

house blog

projects around the house


Filtering by Tag: attic

the return of an unwelcome houseguest.

jenn pan

what an exciting evening we've had! after eating dinner and watching an old episode of doctor who (we're avid fans!), we were finishing our last blog post when we started hear little taps and other weird noises behind us, about where the front door is. there are definitely lots of cats in the neighborhood, so we paid no attention, until we noticed it was above us. and remembered that a few months back, we had a raccoon problem in the attic...!

so we rushed outside, flashed our light up there and saw.. nothing. we had previously figured out how he was getting in: a few missing pieces of wood in the attic gables allowed enough space for a pesky little raccoon to enter. except, he's not so little because we saw him last time, right after we sealed it all up, and he had tried to enter but couldn't. he was at least 30 lbs. big raccoon. but we thought our problem was solved, and haven't heard a peep in the attic for months. until tonight. and the wire mesh we had used to block the entry still looked intact, which was awfully confusing.

james is a trooper.

james is a trooper.

we knew the raccoon was definitely back though, because he tore up our side garden, which is something he did the last time:

raccoons are jerks.

raccoons are jerks.

anyway, while james was still scouring the outside of the house to try and see where it was coming and going from, i went back inside the house and was able to confirm it was definitely still inside the attice. james took a ladder into the front yard, stood on it, and shined a light at the entry, while i knocked our ceiling with an umbrella to try and scare it out. and it eventually worked. james then used the ladder to get onto the roof, went to the spot the raccoon had managed to get loose and tied the lattice-work together with 10-gauge steel wire and put a cinderblock on top. fingers crossed that holds.

a painted attic entry.

jenn pan

so when we had central heat and air put in last summer, they had to make a new attic entry for us (the original one was barely small enough for me to squeeze through, and definitely not up to code). it's big and convenient and it's been great to have. however, it wasn't painted as you can see above, and just a lovely natural shade of brown.

we bought a small can of white primer almost immediately to paint it, but like many other things, it sort of just sat there, sad and forgotten. but i had a free afternoon and decided to just DO IT. so i did! the frame itself i had to paint standing on the ladder, looking up. my neck hurts today. and a sponge brush may have detached and hit several parts of me on its way down.. so i may or may not have paint splotches on my legs and some of my clothes... but it's done! it's not quite the same white as everything around it, but you wouldn't notice unless you look really closely and are OCD like me. and you definitely won't be able to tell in a cruddy phone picture. doesn't it look so much better?

next up - decided on a paint color to finally paint the hallway walls.. there are so many test swatches on the wall right now...

an unwelcome guest in the attic.

jenn pan

yup, that's what you think it is. the tail and hind leg of a rat. while i apologize for the squeamish nature of it, there is a bit of a house-related story behind it, that i didn't have a picture for until we found this in our backyard.

so, our house has a gable roof with a really low pitch. on the front and back ends, the attic is actually open to the outdoors, with just the latticework you can see below (back of house). months ago, in the heat of summer, we felt it would be a good idea to close those off, so as to avoid unwanted guests in our attic.

our plan of attack was to buy quarter inch hardware cloth and staple it to the inside. to make things easier, we cut them into 6 inch strips, just so that we wouldn't be trying to unroll and cut large pieces of this sharp unwieldy stuff in our not-enough-room-to-sit-up-in attic.

however, we never finished doing this! we did a few strips in the back of the house early one morning, but it was summer and it got so hot up there we had to stop. we kept meaning to get back to it, but figured no critters would nest up there in the summer heat anyway. and they didn't! and we forgot..

however, it is now fall (or maybe even winter) and the night before we left for alabama for a week, we woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of something scurrying up there. it sounded too big to have been able to get through the lattice, so we thought maybe it had just been on the roof (we've seen cats up there before). but! in the morning, we noticed that on the front of the house, there were a couple slats missing in the latticework, and a hole large enough for a cat or raccoon was definitely there.

we kind of forgot about it while we were out of town, but a few nights after we got back into town, james heard it again (this time entering from the suspected hole), and we knew we had to do something. crossing our fingers that it was a raccoon who would leave around sunset and not try and return until late at night like we'd heard twice now, we put on some ratty clothes, grabbed flashlights, a strip of hardware cloth and a staple gun, and ventured up into the attic after work.

it was a painful hour of crawling around up there on our hands and knees on rafters, trying to avoid old nob-and-tube wiring (we don't know whether it's live or not - luckily the piece my foot got caught on was not) as well as all the new ducting (we put in central heat and air! a post i haven't gotten around to..). james spent a good chunk of time making sure there was nothing up there first. then we saw the paw prints and the poop - definitely a raccoon!

anyway, we found the big hole and stapled in the hardware cloth, used some of sanford's poop bags to clean up the feces we found (luckily not too much), and got ourselves out of there. we still need to close off all the other remaining smaller holes one of these days - otherwise next thing we know, we'll have a different, smaller-sized-but-probably-more-annoying infestation..

and here's where we get to the fun part. we haven't heard anything in the attic since (all of two days..), but our yard has had a considerable amount of disturbance since (even a piece of our new groundcover dug up!). we joked that it was the angry, now homeless, raccoon. and then we found the piece of rat this morning sitting in a bucket in our back yard. so, we're pretty sure we really do have an angry, homeless raccoon running around our property at night now. on the upside, we probably don't need to worry about (live) rats.........