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house blog

projects around the house


purchased : an over-the-sink shelf.

jenn pan

our bathroom leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to storage space. it used to be a giant cluster until we bought a few items just to help hold stuff. but trying to keep the sink from getting too busy, we still kept everything except the very essentials off in the side storage. this worked, but wasn't exactly efficient.

we eventually plan on completely re-doing the bathroom, but in the meantime, we saw this $20 shelf on a trip to home depot and decided to just go for it. it took all of 15 minutes to install (most of the time was spent figuring out how to get the drywall anchors in since it called for a 9/32" drill bit and we had a 7/32" and 1/4", but no 9/32" - james basically just used the 1/4" and wiggled it a bit... so precise, i know.) looks pretty spiffy!

if we ever invest in a decent or framed mirror or medicine cabinet, this guy will have to come out, but i certainly don't mind it. especially since i can keep my contacts and face creams within arms reach now.