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house blog

projects around the house


purchased : a coffee table!

jenn pan

we'd been living without a coffee table (our apartment was too small for one honestly) and i was really holding out until we found one we loved. however, every one i loved was at the very, very least $500, which is just way too expensive, especially right now.

so after all these months, one day we were near a goodwill and decided to stop in just to see if we could get something super cheap that would just work for now. and we found the above table! it's super light, and was listed at $20. the very top surface is a crappy veneer, but the rest of it is actually all made from solid wood and pretty decent construction. it's old and a little busted up, and a bit wobbly. BUT, when we got to the cashier, it was a "manager's special" for another %25 off, so it ended up costing us $15! so, for $15, i think i can live with this little guy until i get around to re-finishing it (which i also intend for that other inexpensive vintage piece of furniture we got). oh the ideas!