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2014-09-14 07.31.25 1.jpg

house blog

projects around the house


Filtering by Tag: rug

a new rug in the living room.

jenn pan


we got a new rug for the living room!! it's the threshold dot tile rug in blue from target. it's one of those purchases that makes us feel more like adults (at least for me, jenn, it does). the rug we had been using was a rug i'd bought a few years back for my bedroom in an old apartment. it really didn't fit in with our living room, but it was a rug, we haven't felt the need to spend money on replacing it.

the old rug.

the old rug.

as you can see, it was a thin rug, and thus moved around a lot. especially with a nut of a dog like sanford, who will go on running tears through the dining and living room, it would often end up looking something like this:

what a jerk.

what a jerk.

getting a rug pad to put underneath it helped, but it was still too light to even be able to vacuum easily. this new one is much more stable - i even already vacuumed it and was amazed by the difference!

in the end though, i just think it looks so much better. it's got more weight (physical and visual!) to it, making the living room feel more grounded and less haphazard. it's been in place for a little under two days, and both of us have already, randomly set out loud how much we love it. multiple times. it's that great!
