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2014-09-14 07.31.25 1.jpg

house blog

projects around the house


Filtering by Tag: farmers market

the january cure : assignment seven.

jenn pan

i'm a bit behind on posting this, but here goes!

assignment seven (for the weekend) was to buy flowers, clean the kitchen and make dinner - done and done! i did this on time too, just was late to the posting game.

i bought the flowers at the atwater village farmers market, which is walking distance from the house and takes place on sundays. such a great little market. plus, they have several prepared food stands as well, so i also ate lunch there (a delmy chicharon con queso pupusa from and some bling bling dumplings; YUM.)

i went through and cleaned the whole kitchen. reorganizing drawers and cabinets, throwing away old, unused food items (both pantry and refridgerator), cleaned all the surfaces, found homes for various items still hanging out unnecessarily on the countertops and even oiled the butcher block island top. definitely feels nice to have a clean kitchen!

as for the cooking dinner part - well, i already cook dinner at home most nights, but i did decide to go a bit outside my usual box and made a leek and bell pepper quinoa, topped with a steamed and buttered lobster tail (this was supposed to be special, right?!) and some garlic sauteed baby bok choy (okay, not so much outside the box). it was deeeeeeeelicious. i should make quinoa, and lobster tails, more often!