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2014-09-14 07.31.25 1.jpg

house blog

projects around the house


Filtering by Tag: artwork

the january cure : assignment six.

jenn pan

the assignment:

Most of us probably can very easily think of some piece of artwork we have that needs framing - It can be a painting, a drawing, a photograph, a print, a poster, a card - big or small, expensive or free - made by you, a friend, a local artist, or even your kids - from a gallery, a secondhand shop, a craft fair or found online. Non-traditional things can be wonderful as decorative art, too - when framed and elevated to an object of honor - a menu, a silk scarf, tickets, a note from a loved one.
Think about which item would truly make you happy to display in this way in your home. The origin and the artist is less important than how it makes you feel. The important part is that you should love it and really want to use it to add some warmth, beauty and individuality to your space. Now that you've given it some thought and made a choice it's time to get this taken care of - don't put it off any longer - let's get the process underway. (Lots of helpful links below!)
Get busy and keep in mind that we'll be hanging artwork on the 28th, so it should be ready by then.
If you already have a piece of framed artwork set aside that you can hang on the 28th with the rest of us, consider today a free day to catch up or put some time in on working on your project that you got started on yesterday.

well, framing and putting up art is something we've been pretty active about doing since we've moved in. we've even put up more recently that we haven't blogged about:

but even with all that, we have so much more, both framed and unframed:

so we're going to look through what we already have framed, and see if we can find some wall-homes for at least one, but hopefully more, by the 28th.