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house blog

projects around the house


the january cure : day one.

jenn pan

as i mentioned earlier today, i'm going to try and to participate in and liveblog apartment therapy's annual january cure this year!

it's day one and the assignment is this: make a list of projects. more specifically, set aside an hour or so to do a walkthrough of your home and make notes on any trouble spots as you move through each room.

it's quite an extensive list - and that's with leaving out all the renovations we want to do eventually, as that's a whole other can of worms. i even took and included unflattering photos of most of the rooms as they are now, without doing any picking up. here goes..!

The Living Room.

  • take down christmas stockings
  • iron the curtains
  • deal with bowl of halloween candy
  • fix the door hinge nightmare
  • put up the last curtain rod and curtains
  • replace the ugly college floor lamp
  • find a home for my laptop
  • find a home for "cotton spool" piece
  • organize the tv console
  • put up the memory/shadow box
  • organize the bookshelf
  • hang/install the security camera

The Dining Room.

  1. take down the christmas tree and cards
  2. write thank-you notes for our southern reception
  3. iron the curtains
  4. wine storage solution
  5. remove un-connected thermostat

The Kitchen.

  1. re-organize the medicine drawer
  2. clear out leftovers from the refrigerator
  3. clear out unnecessary items from the island and counter
  4. find a place for the metal crate on top of the bookshelf
  5. put up the utility gripper
  6. re-organize the coffee and tea cart
  7. create a better feeding station for sanford 

The Hallway.

  1. create a more eye-pleasing dog gate solution
  2. adjust the closet pole so that the doors can close
  3. actually organize the closet
  4. paint the attic entry
  5. paint the walls so we can figure out what color(s) we eventually want to paint the house when we've replaced all the walls

The Landing.

  1. find a home for all the hanging bags
  2. find a home for all the stick-like things in the corner

The Guest Bedroom.

  1. sort and put away bedding
  2. frame remaining artwork
  3. put up remaining artwork
  4. go through still-packed boxes and find homes for things
  5. check if wemo (remotely controllable light switch) is installable
  6. re-organize and better utilize the mostly-empty closet

The Master Bedroom.

  1. get real nightstands!
  2. find solution for james's clothing
  3. hat solution to make room on james's dresser
  4. organization solution for my dresser
  5. get rid of "the sock pile"
  6. paint a wall! (our house is sooo so so so white)
  7. organize the closet
  8. replace tower fan with a smaller table-top fan

The Master Bathroom.

  1. fix leaky faucet
  2. reorganize the toiletries
  3. get (or make) a real ironing board cover

The Office.

  1. go through still-packed boxes (lots of them)
  2. find homes for things

The Hangar.

  1. Clean. Clean. Clean. ShopVac the heck out of the place.
  2. Organize all the clutter
  3. Get a functioning workshop going

The Basement.

  1. Assemble and install second shelving unit

The Exterior and Yard.

  1. Take down christmas lights
  2. Put mulch down in the front garden
  3. Trim back trees and hedges
  4. Clean up old lumber stacked in "carport"
  5. Put up remaining critter barrier on the attic gables
  6. Powerwash all the surrounding concrete areas like the porch