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house blog

projects around the house


the january cure : assignment two.

jenn pan

the weekend consisted of three assignments, to be done whenever over the friday through sunday period: buy flowers, clean all the floors and rugs, and stock up on green cleaners.

and we did it! the cleaning took place all sunday afternoon, but all the floors have been vacuumed and swiffered. as for stocking up on green cleaners, i already use method for most of the house cleaning, but i did pick up murchison-hume's stainless steel cleaner and the laundress's bleach alternative while at the container store yesterday. i have to say, i've tried several stainless steel cleaners, most recently a 409 "stone and steel" cleaner (since we have marble countertops and stainless appliances), and none of them helped. if anything, they just sort of moved any grease around and left behind more streaks, but the murchison-hume stuff is amazing and has left my kitchen looking like new. i'll definitely be looking more into their line of natural green cleaners.

and of course, i bought some flowers. nothing fancy, just some green and yellow mums. i put them into a vase and two mason jars. it's kind of nice to have some fresh flowers in the house.

and even though i wasn't assigned it, having made a list for the first assignment, we ended up knocking out a bunch of things (not many, 5-or-so) on our giant to-do list as well (like installing the security camera so it doesn't just sit on the mantle!), which feels pretty great.