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house blog

projects around the house


purchased : bathroom organization.

jenn pan

our bathroom was a tiny mess! we had bottles of everything on the sink, and a plastic bin and trashcan filled with everything else that wouldn't fit on the sink. i finally decided to do something about it on a trip to the container store.

i bought the above style station organizer and three of the large white mesh stacking bins, below. the bins aren't the sturdiest things - i may need to buy smaller bins to place inside for all the various bottles that keep falling over since wire mesh does have some give to it. but it works well enough, and has allowed us to clear off most of the top of the sink, and allow us to make the bathroom a bit more cohesive and organized.

eventually, we'd love to put in something like this toscana cabinet from pier 1 imports, but we're a bit undecided if we want to spend the money to buy it outright, or maybe scour some flea markets and restore something, or even build it ourselves!